So we had our 16 week appointment yesterday. The doctor said really there wasn't much he could do for my migraines and that they should go away... so I will keep my fingers crossed. He said I am measuring big... which I thought my due date was a lot sooner anyway so HEY! this could be good news. If I calculated myself I would be due a month earlier, so we will see. He says this makes even more sense after I told him that the babe has been extremely active (which is unusual for this early). When we heard the heart rate, we also heard another large constant thump.... which was our kids foot constantly kicking. This is not to surprising since me and Stephen are so active but it is scary to think what the kid will do to me when I am eight months along... ouch. April 11 is our ultrasound which we will find out the gender and hopefully a more accurate due date. Make sure you vote in our gender poll (to the right) before next month. Maybe I will post a photo of my growing self next month when its more exciting...
Oh and someone please tell me what I can do with my time now that I can't snowboard with Stephen. Saturdays are a sad day around here.
Oh and someone please tell me what I can do with my time now that I can't snowboard with Stephen. Saturdays are a sad day around here.
Ummmmm, you could always sleep on Saturday for a bit. Tanking up is a good thing since it gets harder as you get bigger and then the baby is born and well, you are very very tired (unless your baby sleeps like Stephen and then you will be just fine!)
I'm sorry you are having migraines - super yucky!
To be honest, I slept a TON, watched a lot of tv shows, and did a TON of crafts (mostly things for the baby... sometimes it's more expensive than buying them, but you can personalize them more, and it give you something to do) The only thing I found that helped me with my migrianes was to sit in a dark room and not do anything (BORING), but if it works it works!
They should be able to tell how far along you are with a full ultra sound. They do this by taking measurements of the bones and such. I'd say, sleep and get things ready in your down time.
Oh! Congratulations! I am so happy for you both... or all three I supposed... actually four. Maximus will be a super brother for sure!
oh Rosie, I just read this post and it made me excited and a little sad because of your saturdays ;(, but really really happy about your 'active' baby. You are going to have an awesome family.
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