Thursday, May 19, 2011


Spring Cleaning, not Spring.
{{Winter Weather Advisory for tonight and tomorrow!!}}

I wish Spring cleaning was more like this... (minus the heels part). Cleaning in heels does not sound like fun...

Instead I feel more like this

But I am extremely excited to put our 700 square foot home into tip top shape and make room for baby without changing much, just getting rid of. It is fun to get creative and maybe I will actually decorate this place instead of waited till we moved. I am spoiled to have this nice place... The pioneers lived in homes this size with 13 other people... 2 people, a infant and a dog... NO BIG DEAL.
One thing I do wish I could add is a garage...
One day I will have a garage to put tools and tools and more tools and other tools in.
That day will come soon...


This past weekend I shot a engagement shoot for my friend Bethany...
It was fun and I was happy with how they turned out!
Here are a few I took... and a belly shot or two of me.


Katie Mumm said...

Rosie! I loved this post! and girl, you are one GREAT LOOKIN pregnant lady! I love your pics and am glad that you put them up. good look and keep us posted!

Trish said...

Your post made me laugh right out loud! I know the feeling I spring cleaning. You really do look adorable pregnant, my goodness!! congrats to you and Stephen, so exciting!!!

Matt and Dianna said...

You are BY FAR the cutest pregnant lady I've ever seen!!!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the engagment photos you took! Good job!! :)

Megan Hollenback said...

you are the cutest prego person alive. i hope i look like that :)

Melani Boren said...

Wait until you get to spring clean a BIG house-multiple the trash pile by 100!