Tuesday, June 29, 2010

capital capital

A few nights ago we went to downtown slc and to the capital building and played around with our camera and with my sister abby and our buddy beau day. We watched the sunset and had lots of fun running around. I love SLC it has to be one of the prettiest cities around.
Here are some of my favorite shots... We are trying to learn how to work our camera with out PhotoShop.... There was a couple there that was taking engagement photos... we thought we could do better... We took a lot of photos... which one is your favorite???


Hank and Stacy Toone said...

how fun! I love the one where you're eating the moon! Great job with your photography skills! Did you guys use a tripod for some of the night shots?

Anne W said...

You were minutes from my house. Come have a chocolate covered almond with me on the porch next time you're this waaaaaaaaay

Aria said...

I think they're pretty good! Better than anything I can do for SURE. You guys are getting much better and now I can appreciate them much much more. Wait, so Abby and Beau are not dating...? I don't know who this guy is.

mikandesu said...

nice pics :)

Rachel said...

I like the eating the moon ones too. I also like the one you put as your header. It's cute :) Nice job!

Jessica said...

So fun! Miss you guys!