Monday, October 6, 2008



I got my hair cut at Jagged Edge (love this place). I've been waiting for about a year and finally got the courage to cut it. I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths (the reason is because you only need 8 inches to donate). Well i told my Hair stylist 9 to 10 inches off (the more hair the better wig but i need to put it back for sports) Well he didn't measured and didn't let me sit down before 12 inches were off. He didn't ask what kind of hair I wanted and I didnt know what was going on. I was scared but i was just happy to lose the hair and after sitting there for a hour and half and being very nervous I finally saw the end product which I loved and still love so far. reason: 4 mins to blow dry hair instead of 40 mins.


brooke and chad coon said...

love the hair cut! that was pretty brave. i was a wimp about cutting 5 inches. can't imagine cutting 12!

marian said...

You should have Stephen sing you the "you are brave song" becuase you are and the cut is very cute. Also, happy happy birthday Hunky, we really love you and we are REALLY glad you married Aunt Rosie.

Dianna M. Boren said...

SUPER cute!!!! I'm impressed you got that much cut!!! WOOHOO!!!!! :) I LOVE IT!!!!!